By Elgrin - 17/06/2016 18:03 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I woke up to something crawling on my leg. Thinking it might be a spider, I jumped out frantically to check. The good news: it's not a spider. The bad news: it's a bedbug. My apartment was just treated for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 890
You deserved it 1 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's really sad when the spider is the more preferred option.

Sometimes it takes more than one treatment to exterminate a large infestation. Also, if you have not already done so for the previous treatment, wash all you clothing and linens on hot setting and bag them air-tight in garbage bags. Keep what you are not using inside the bags for 6 weeks if possible. Also, for your bedding, they sell zippered covers for the boxspring and mattress, as well as plastic double lipped cups to place under the legs of the bed. Some powdered diatomaceous earth may be helpful to sprinkle around the floor and corners of the room, but be warns that bedbugs are resistant to most chemical agents and usually require heat or cold to kill, and unfortunately may live for up to a year unfed! I know it is a pain to go through all of this, but it is better than living with bedbugs. I've been through this at my previous apartment and finally moved once a second treatment was done and the next inspection was negative. Hope everything works out for you.


I had bedbugs in my old apartment. Former roommate brought them with her. Kicked her out shortly after cause she started screwing me over but the bugs stayed. They sprayed my apartment and the adjacent apartments to be safe about 4 times and they were still there when I moved out. Scariest thing I've gone through. It got to the point where I had tape around my dining chairs sticky side out and I was sleeping on them instead of my bed. Good luck. It's a nightmare but sometimes you get lucky and beat them. I didn't but I got away from them and haven't seen one since.

I moved in November. I haven't seen one yet. I won't see one again unless someone brings them into our home/lives. My roommates and I are all really careful about that. We've all dealt with them and we don't want to again.

These bugs are getting super resistant.

I do this for a living so I have a few tips... you need a reputable company that provides a guarantee, it is more expensive but they work! also, no need to wash, hot dryer cycle for anything you can put in the dryer will kill anything in bedding and clothes, just make sure they are in for at least thirty minutes. encasements for the mattress and boxspring are a must. finally, in apartments YOU might not be the problem, if your neighbor(s) have them, then nothing you can do will get rid of then unless they are treated too. finally, you can NOT get rid of them on your own, call a pro

Sure you can. Most people just dont have the attention to detail and patience required to get it done.

I was an a pest control tech for three years... superheat EVERYTHING linen. Clothes, sheets, stuffed animals, curtains... do it all. If they aren't pulling carpet up and checking along the tackstrip, checking outlets and light sockets or behind paintings, encasing the mattress and box spring for AT LEAST a year and making multiple trips they don't know what they are doing.

Don't use DE indoors. It can cause massive respiratory inflammation leading up to and including death if used incorrectly or over disturbed. I did pest control for three years and was scared of that stuff.

I am an exterminator. Depending on how long ago you were treated, this could just be one of the last of them coming out to die. My company does two follow up baseboard treatments and inspections after the initial spray and usually by the last inspection all you find are dead.

My family dealt with those nasty little buggers for nearly a year before we were finally able to get rid of them. I'm so sorry you're going through this and I hope you're able to get rid of them quickly.

Damn that sucks. I've had them for almost 3 years now and every time I think they're gone for good I'll catch one as soon as i wake up.

if you didn't burn your apartment down, it wasn't treated properly

Bedbugs... dealt with them for years where I used to live and then, one day, they just disappeared. Landlords knew about them, but just didn't care and never treated. Still don't know what happened and I'm so glad I live so far from there now!