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By Rocky209 - 15/05/2015 19:33 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I woke up to the sound of my little sister knocking on my door. Today's my birthday, so I thought she'd surprise me with something. Instead, she just asked me, "How's it feel to be a year older and still alone?" I just turned 20. The truth hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 312
You deserved it 3 026

Rocky209 tells us more.

Im not really into relationships, but a hang out buddy would be nice.

Top comments

triplebeerox 27

You're only 20! You have a lifetime ahead of you. Finish school, travel, meet people! A relationship won't magically make you a happier person. Have fun while you can :-)

It's ok OP, there's someone out there for you I'm sure :3


don't feel bad. I'm alone and single and also 20. sometimes it's good so you can focused on yourself

Im not really into relationships, but a hang out buddy would be nice.

Feel free to message me if you need a buddy.

Your "It's complicated" status of yours humours me OP

Don't feel bad. I'm 40 and I'm still alone.

Ofcourse its complicated. I dont want to have relationships yet they never listen ;) I just want friends..

psychopolarbear 28

People just don't understand an intentionally induced state of Forever Alone, do they?

Oh, anon :( *hugs* i hope you find that someone.

Go for **** buddies, complain about not getting relationships .... Why are we not in serious relationships when we turn 20??!! Total mystery

I love when OP's reply to comments like this. all posters should do this

I felt similarly when I was 20, didn't want a relationship, but felt a bit lonely and my family weren't overly supportive! It took moving out and gaining more independence to be happy with my single life (shortly after I found a partner, typical!). There's hope for you yet, one way or another :)

So your fml is just a cry for attention?

When you think about it, 100, what FML isn't?

Yeah. If only i was allowed to go out :p

It's ok OP, there's someone out there for you I'm sure :3

Then get out there and change that!

I know i should. I wish my mom would say the same..

chef4money 12

You are 20, what does your mom have against you having a friend or a relationship for that matter?

Oh, im just saying that i wish my mom would be supportive of me trying to get friends.. she says its better not to have friends. I'm not allowed to go out under my moms roof.. been like this since kid years so id probably get lost crossing the street on my own lol

why is your mom not letting you have friends?

Because she thinks that if you have friends, it means you care about strangers more than your family. And sadly, at this point, its kinda true. I consider my internet friends as family.

Do you have a job? Or are you in school, it really sounds like you need to distance yourself from your mom. You should move out as soon as you can. She should not be controlling you like this, that's really messed up. I'm really sorry OP.

Your still a young pup and you have plenty of time to find someone, if that's what you want...

I'm 25 and still super happy to be alone. Enjoy life while you can !!

Happy birthday OP! And don't worry about what your sister said, siblings can say the harshest shit. If you want someone then put yourself out there- if it's not your concern then you're in the clear

Way more important things out there than a relationship. It'll happen when it's the right time, OP

triplebeerox 27

You're only 20! You have a lifetime ahead of you. Finish school, travel, meet people! A relationship won't magically make you a happier person. Have fun while you can :-)

Exactly, enjoy it now while you have the time and money

Much appreciated friend! Im actually graduating in 13 days, not much into relationships though B) just want a hangout buddy :/

I will! Thank you for the uplifting comment! Sorry if it took me a year to reply xD

Rosebudx 32

Better to wait for the right person than to rush into something just to not be alone. Twenty seems old now, but it really isn't, OP. Keep your chin and your spirits up :)