By farmakakis - 21/12/2009 06:25 - Australia

Today, I wore a pair of glasses with no lenses because I thought I'd look smarter. I ended up poking myself in the eye several times, leaving it swollen. So much for making me look smarter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 646
You deserved it 56 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pnckswthsrp 0

How do wearing lens-less glasses make you look in any way smarter? :P

The key to looking smarter is to be smarter. instead of wearing fake glasses, try actually studying and reading. Then you'll look smarter. Wearing fake glasses with the lenses out will just make you look too poor to get real glasses. Moron.


How did you manage to poke your eye so often? Try those now fancy 3D glasses...

I despise people who wear glasses "Just to look smart." I wear glasses because I need them. It isn't cool. It isn't fashionable. I don't like the fact that I HAVE to wear them or else I'm pretty much blind. It's horrible. You're lucky.

I hate how people who don't wear glasses wear hipster black ones then those whose glasses are real get made fun of.

sttylerx7 18

You're really ******* stupid.

As a girl who actually NEEDS glasses, not wears stupid lensless ones to 'look smarter', when people wear fake glasses it makes me want to either punch them in the face or snap their fake glasses in half. I've had people accuse me of wearing fake glasses because I 'think they make me look cuter'. When it reaches the point that wearing fake glasses is such a popular thing that someone is accused of wearing fakes when they wear real glasses to see everyday is when I get annoyed. Seriously?

Sounds like you need some real glasses. Or some real smarts, at least.

If you're gonna wear fake glasses, at least put fake lens. Then you wouldn't look like a jackass. I wear prescription glasses, if that matters