By farmakakis - 21/12/2009 06:25 - Australia

Today, I wore a pair of glasses with no lenses because I thought I'd look smarter. I ended up poking myself in the eye several times, leaving it swollen. So much for making me look smarter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 646
You deserved it 56 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pnckswthsrp 0

How do wearing lens-less glasses make you look in any way smarter? :P

The key to looking smarter is to be smarter. instead of wearing fake glasses, try actually studying and reading. Then you'll look smarter. Wearing fake glasses with the lenses out will just make you look too poor to get real glasses. Moron.


I have glasses like that but i have clear lenses so that i dont poke myself in the eye :)

depends. if you wear glasses for real and it's not the stupid kind it sometimes makes you LOOK smarter. mine do, says my dad.

My eyesight gets worse and worse, this is no fun being like this. My eyes don't even see the same. By the way; You are a moron glasses don't make you smarter just the way it is.

Look, WHY do people think wearing glasses makes them look clever? It is so F*ing stereo typed

OP, you need more than glasses to look smart.

ydi for being one if the faggots who actually do that.

killherspirit 0

FYL for being stupid enough to think that having bad eyesight makes you a smart cookie.