By Sola - 11/05/2011 04:10

Today, I wore a Super Mario Brothers T-shirt to school that showed a picture of Mario with a mushroom above his head. I got suspended for "referencing illegal drugs". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 224
You deserved it 5 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackiemoonthepro 5

Mario, hero for all... even the high

Well, how do you think Mario gets so high in the game?


my friend has that same shirt and my teacher even asked if she had to get the SRO down to our class for his shirt reffering to "doing mushrooms" hahha

Ganga666 0

that's what you get for wearing a shirt with Mario on it

Aw dang im sorry Op :( School is so stupid about that stuff nowadays.. grr

allyssalopez 0
teenager13 0

dude that sucks Mario is like totally amazin u should have told them to go lick a clit

That definitely sucks!! Agreed schools now are WAY too ignorant about situations like that. I just heard at my cousin's HS, they are not allowed to give high fives or hugs or contact at all. Need to be back like it was in the good ol' days...when Mario & gang were just rad VG characters.