By Sola - 11/05/2011 04:10

Today, I wore a Super Mario Brothers T-shirt to school that showed a picture of Mario with a mushroom above his head. I got suspended for "referencing illegal drugs". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 224
You deserved it 5 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackiemoonthepro 5

Mario, hero for all... even the high

Well, how do you think Mario gets so high in the game?


Sue for a violation of your freedom of expression!!

serves you right for wearing a gimpy tshirt. go out and buy some normal clothes and you won't get suspended.

your high school is's a classic video game character...they should know that

ydi for not being able to explain a video game reference...

What?! Though very addictive, super mario bros is in no way illegal. Hell, you can even buy it without a prescription.