By beaverfever - 06/08/2014 16:45 - Poland - Kolobrzeg

Today, I wore a tank top for the first time in a few years. It turned out even worse than the last time. I got insulted by several people over my "Never say never" upper chest tattoo, which I got years ago, before the words ever became associated with a certain douchy Canadian pop "singer". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 296
You deserved it 10 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you can't blame them. Nobody likes a belieber. Can you get the tattoo removed or something?

As far as most Canadians are concerned, he isn't considered one of us anymore. Just a clarification. No one likes that little fucknugget.


yzzami 17

Add a picture of Fievel next to it or above it

This should be a lesson to all girls/ women. Don't foul your bodies with trashy tattoos. There is a reason they're called tramp stamps.

Why would this have anything to do with women? OP is male.

llamarrama01 21

I think of The Fray song when i hear the term "never say never"

Get a coverup tattoo or stop caring about what people think. It's no reason not to wear a tank top because you're afraid of judge mental people.

amelitaliz 22

It's crazy to me how many people are telling OP to change their tattoo. Rock your tattoo. If someone insults you, let them know it's on them. That's a super common phrase. I had to figure out what you were talking about at first because Justin Beiber isn't the first thing that comes to mind for that phrase. Let people know if they make fun of it, it only proves they're super familiar with it and you can't be blamed for their poor media choices. Shame them. Shame them well.

Get like a skin color sleeve to cover it up

and how exactly would a sleeve help cover up a tattoo on the upper chest?

remove the tattoo and no one will make fun of you

That sucks... Looks like some people dont have teh bieber fever. (I hate JB anyways)

whoviancutie 9

Never Say Never by The Fray? Anyone?