By beaverfever - 06/08/2014 16:45 - Poland - Kolobrzeg

Today, I wore a tank top for the first time in a few years. It turned out even worse than the last time. I got insulted by several people over my "Never say never" upper chest tattoo, which I got years ago, before the words ever became associated with a certain douchy Canadian pop "singer". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 296
You deserved it 10 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you can't blame them. Nobody likes a belieber. Can you get the tattoo removed or something?

As far as most Canadians are concerned, he isn't considered one of us anymore. Just a clarification. No one likes that little fucknugget.


That's where never never quit comes in...add on to it...become a hipster with it if you want...there are a few options

Your fault for getting an upper chest tattoo. Those are never okay.

Add a word to make it "Never Say Never Again," then it's a 007 reference and you're back to cool.

That sucks reallllly bad. Stupid Justin.

imbatmanfir 15

Just make a tank top that says "NOT A BELIEBER"

tehdarkness 21

That is a shitty tattoo, but people have no right being so rude. Go ahead and rock the tank tops; you deserve to be comfortable!

TheNamezZero 5

You could always just start to like JB with the other 4 people on the planet :)

I'm sorry, I am not a beleiber and this quote does not remind me of him. Ever see "The Game Plan" with the rock? Well, NEVER SAY NEVER!

Well it doesn't even make sense because the tattoo itself is saying never. It's a bad saying. YDI