By jamalinho - 11/05/2011 17:51 - Bangladesh

Today, I worked 12 long hours cooped up in my office. Before leaving, my boss asked me whether I'll ever take my job seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 760
You deserved it 3 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Start an angry mob protesting your boss with fire and pitchforks.


jdeshnerx3 0

maybe you shoulda worked 13 hours

just because you worked 12 hours or stayed In your office for 12 hours doesn't mean you work hard.

Smoke234 3

Your boss sounds like a dick, although he could have seen how much work you did in said twelve hours. Which by what he said sound like piss all.

missmaryb 0

Sounds like cooped up in your office doing nothing.

I'm sorry OP but either put up with it and work harder or quit. The boss was probably at work before you, and you indicated he was there as you left...

Egnar 19

Being cooped up in your office for 12 hours doesn't mean you were working the whole time. I hate my boss at my second job, she doesn't know what she's doing and I'm leaving the job in 2 months, right after my vacation to Vegas. Me producing High Quality work means she'll end up going to her boss showing it off as her own stuff. Thus, on 8 hour shifts like today where she decides to take the day off I bring in a book and read the entire time. . . I was there for 8 hours, doesn't mean I took it seriously.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I did the same at my old cubicle job. I'd occasionally stay late and draw caricatures of my shitty coworkers on post-it notes the whole time. It's so easy to be a time-leech, but you have to do it in moderation and weeks apart, so they don't catch on. Be smart, think ahead, PROFIT.

mbrooks5110 0

Just because you're there for 12 hours doesn't mean you actually do a good job.

guy0ne101 0

fml mods suck they ban you for no reason and think they are funny when they arnt. so they can. go get a life rather then use the fml ap 24/7 and stop banning people for no reason. I swear ttheese mods are like 10yrs Old. they are extremly immature and annoy everyone on this ap including me. they even suck at making a nearly good joke because they didn't go to school because they were to busy sitting here banning peole or making non funny comments. kkthnxbai bye

goldieglock 5

just because you were there 12 long hours doesn't mean you worked hard for 12 long hours. I work long days but work hard and see people around me who just show up. so maybe some effort while there might help.