By jamalinho - 11/05/2011 17:51 - Bangladesh

Today, I worked 12 long hours cooped up in my office. Before leaving, my boss asked me whether I'll ever take my job seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 757
You deserved it 3 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Start an angry mob protesting your boss with fire and pitchforks.


sematariux 7

I woulda smacked em in the lips

kss_ga_champ5408 1

YDI for having an Afro. it's 2011. not 1972

93 - I see you commented on the wrong one.

Fr3nChii 0

word uv advyc: slapp uR b0sx

Work 12 hours and 1 minute. U never know, one minute makes a big difference

maybe try coming out of your office and being visible. I thought I was a good employee working my arse off in my office and found out they thought I must be on Facebook all day for not ever being seen

meet a giant fish, like a boss **** it's brains out, like a boss

Haven't been on fmylife in aaaages... I still remember when it wasn't trying to hook you up with other users or spamming you with so many ads (or at least more than now) -.-' I'm sad now :(