By jamalinho - 11/05/2011 17:51 - Bangladesh

Today, I worked 12 long hours cooped up in my office. Before leaving, my boss asked me whether I'll ever take my job seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 760
You deserved it 3 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

Start an angry mob protesting your boss with fire and pitchforks.


After 12 hours its difficult to take ANYTHING seriously.

I agree, when will you take your job as a prostitute seriously?

FreebirdIII 1
nucky_fml 5

quit, then right afterwards say f**k you, f**k you, and you...your cool and f**k you. then walk out

I don't think "Fork you" is that great a threat.

nucky_fml 5

no one got the half baked reference?

I don't get anything, so I don't know if it counts as any of your sides, but I like forks more than spoons if that helps. it takes an hour to eat a bowl of soup for me...akward


did you tell him how long you had been there that day?

nucky_fml 5
sexylol_fml 4

I'm sorry...your boss may want you to do something else?

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

He's probably pissed about your overtime. If you can't get your work done in the regular timeslot, work faster or organize your duties. Time management. Otherwise you're leeching for more hours and the company is losing money on you.

hehe....duties, sounds like ****** for those of you who don't know

*doodies autocorrect usually sucks donkey balls

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

You must use the word '******' a lot for your phone to recognize it as a frequently used correction...But I agree, OP really needs to get their ****** in order if they hope to keep their job.

paradiseisland01 0

if my boss would say that to me, I would have asked him what that exactly meant, and try to improve on what he said . There's a lot of room for improvement, and a little room for disappointment .