By TowelSmellsNice - 16/04/2010 12:34 - Malaysia

Today, I wrapped a towel around my waist so I could take a dump while using my laptop. I sat on the toilet seat and let a big load go. Turns out I forgot to unwrap the towel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 553
You deserved it 70 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chelsrageous 0

I highly doubt this is true.

I'm sorry, OP, but it truly sucks to be you since... how do I put this delicately? You're a towel.


Grinner 0

god, that sounded like a ritual. next time use air freshner.

aidenkush 0
RedPillSucks 31

Lesson learned.... Don't try to go on while you're taking a dump. Or perhaps you were on a **** scat site?

I have not laughed this hard at an FML in a long long time. I keep having the audio/visual of the SNL skit: "Jane you ignorant ****.." OP, you ignorant shit, at what moment do you think he realized his mistake? Do you think he realized before it was all of the way out, or not until he felt it squish down his legs and up his cheeks? I am laughing out loud again... the stupidity of some ppl never ceases to amaze me, and that itself is amazing.

xxlolzxx 0
dance_till_dawn 0

Two things: why the ******* towel? Also, way too much ******* info. I don't want to know that you shit yourself!