Turn me on
By shmelly - 16/04/2010 04:03 - United States

By shmelly - 16/04/2010 04:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/10/2023 14:00
By miiiiilk - 05/12/2010 11:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/05/2019 06:35
By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 05:43 - United States
By Wellokthen - 17/02/2017 22:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/03/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom
By KaiyaOtaku1 - 14/07/2014 23:48 - United States - Seattle
By fartlover - 27/11/2009 05:10 - Canada
By Anon - 11/11/2023 04:00
By InvAzn - 14/12/2017 06:00
hahhahahahaha stupid antiflood
Smh. Just smh.
haha. The OPs name fits this entry.
Made me chuckle. Definite high five for your boyfriend. I think one or two man points could be heading his way too! If only he'd pretended to be a lawnmower as well...
haha hes a keeper :D that was pretty funny ok thats it you die anti flood -grabs ak47- dieee!! -aims at computer- dieee!!!!! -shoots all of computer pieces- haha bitch! oh shit i can post now.
YDI for havin a smelly vag
In Soviet Russia vaginas don't smell (it's too damn cold for that to smell).
haha lmao 33
28... Is that a Chocobo?! Final Fantasy FTW!
shoulda done what 68 said. orrrr tell him he stinks too. ;)
wash your cooter bitch
#7 have a man mouth
hmm not your best Russia joke
u look like u r 8 lolol
lmao...that woulda been hilarous
win!!!!!! xD
ooppps I meant to say #68 win
Sounds like you and the douchebag are meant to be.
your contents may be stinky
this made my ****** day hahahah
love the name ;-)
stanky vag
ydi for having a BF that has a 'best' robot voice
Lmaoo That Made Me Laugh To :'D
once he's past the smell, he'll have it licked!
no kidfing #3 i can tell the race of a girl blindfolded by smelling her mons pubis. hey girls maybe its just me but your pussy sometimes smells like what you just had to eat. smoker girls ******* smell like the brand of cigs they smoke too,
At least it was his "best" robot voice.
i suppose it depends on whether you can take this in your stride. your boyfriend should know whether this kind of thing would bother you. i think its a bit weird so fyl
ewww dude go wash that nastiness... ydi
aren't u suppose to wash it first?
I think I should check to see if he was right.
Were the contents stinky?
lol well at least he's lickin it clean now
yum! the fish smell is all gone :D
blue waffle?
Hahaha. My friends were talking about that last night. Google "blue waffle" if you don't know what it means. Also, it's nsfw.
Ewww. Thanks. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
dude that is one of the funniest picture I have ever seen. where did you get it at
Frebreeze? YDI
haha this made me laugh
ewww dude go wash that nastiness... ydi