By Noname - 14/03/2009 15:16 - United States

Today, I yelled at my spouse in front of 20 guests for not coming to blow out his birthday cake candles. Turns out he was in the other room, quietly changing his disabled friend's diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 456
You deserved it 213 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you're exaggerating when you say you actually yelled at him for that.


I agree #32! If you want to look for some sympathy, it's in the dictionary between "Shit" and "Syphilis", cause you aren't gonna find it here. You ought to be lucky to have such a thoughtful and loving man that would do that for his friend. You, Ma'am, are a cold and heartless bitch.

_Elizabeth_ 0

I agree with the people calling you a bitch. And I hope that you were using the term 'yelled' loosely. Because, otherwise, it would suck being married to you, yelling because the guy wasn't RIGHT there when you called him to blow out candles, and it was on his ******* birthday. Sheesh. That should be one of the days when you DON'T yell at a person.

5bye7 0

if i were you i would kill myself

holy fuckballs, guys 'YELLED AT' can simply mean she raised her voice to tell him to get in there for the cake, because he was in another room, rather than...yanno...looking. Lots of people yell ALL THE TIME, it doesn't mean she was being a bitch or anything. It was probably more along the lines of 'Hey Bob, c'mon we're all waiting on yooooou! :) HURRY UP! :D " (emoticon for the stunted). I wonder reading the serious comments how many ppl around here have never lived w/ someone in a relationship. You're in for a rude awakening I think, some of you. Heh.

And you prove yourself to be a horrible, self-centered person. 37 - It's context. And I basically do live with my significant other. It's unacceptable.

Wow...the words "succubus" and "putrid festering **** with delusions of grandeur" come to mind.

lifesabit 0

#37 if that was it I would hardly think that would constitute a FML. Either that or the women is really pathetic.... "I called out for my husband to come blow out his candles, but he was helping a disabled friend. FML cause it was really embarasssing, and I called out for him with 20 other people there who now think that I'm a person who calls out for people when they are busy. Fml." Yeah... no. Shes a bitch or she is a thin skinned dumbass. Possibly both, but not neither.

wallythedolly 0
_Elizabeth_ 0