By tandc - 01/05/2012 05:07 - United States
Same thing different taste
By greatdriver...4 - 31/08/2011 11:07 - United States
By CassieMarieee - 10/12/2011 06:28 - United States
Coming through!
By Fender bender - 10/09/2022 05:30 - United States - Staten Island
Chasing cars
By Anonymous - 26/10/2023 08:00 - Canada
By Dentedbumper - 07/03/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 10/01/2010 02:20 - United States
By hatemylifelol - 08/01/2016 20:33 - United States - Roseville
I'm so tired
By slapstick1982 - 30/05/2024 03:00 - United States - Port Washington
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 18:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/10/2023 17:00 - Australia - Brisbane
Top comments
Driving level: Asian.
Wouldn't you have felt the car moving back while you were leaving the car..?
Ummm its impossible that OP's car moved it self while in reverse gear... Coz as long as OP releases clutch and no race. Car comes to a dead end lol.... Even if its automatic, still he cannot get out of car without key, if car aint in parking mode, u cannot get the keys out OP.... So think again lol
More like don't get out of the car while your driving it you dumb clearly deserve it
Luke puss lee
And this years most intelligent award goes to...... Not you.
The worst thing is that you wrecked the car behind you and you will have to pay for his damaged car too.
Well, time to go fix it! ...And pay to the other guy
I'm surprised OP isn't a women. Normally it's the ladies that fail at driving. OP you have disgraced men everywhere.
1. It's woman 2. You're sexist 3. (Insert more comments here)
#9 - I was stereotyping, no harm done.
It's a woman? That's why there's a symbol for the male gender, right? I know when I was seven I got the two mixed up but I'm pretty sure it's a man...
Shit. I now see what you meant. It's before 6 on a Tuesday, leave me alone D:
@13 Apart from to the people you're stereotyping, sure, no harm done! I mean, the people you're stereotyping don't matter! I was wondering how long it took for a tosser to make a crack about women drivers. 5 comments in. Ugh.
#21 - It's not a bad stereotype, nothing to get annoyed about. It's just a wee bit of fun. I'm a tosser? Thank you...
1. 'Women are bad drivers' is a negative stereotype. It's saying that women are not safe to be on the road, and that women should not be driving. Driving is one of the main forms of transport in the modern world. It effectively says that "women cannot be trusted with freedom of movement". 2. All stereotypes, positive or negative, are harmful. "Black people are athletic" is a positive stereotype - in that it features a trait that has societal approval - but it ignores that black people are individuals with varying level of athletic ability. "Women are caring and nurturing" is a positive stereotype, but it ignores that women are individuals who may or may not be caring and nurturing. Stereotypes ignore the person in favour of a collection of traits which have very little to do with that person as an individual. 3. Because of the above, yes, you *are* a tosser. Thank you.
Alright. Look at my comments, I did not say "woman are bad drivers". I said they "normally fail". So I am implying that they do and don't fail all the time. Yes it is slightly mean, but that's the point of a stereotype. You have to understand its a joke and that you are raging for no reason. You have even resorted to calling me a name, which of course is just stupid.
"Normally" generally means "happens most of the time, with rare exceptions". For example: "The sun normally rises in the morning." "In the UK, people normally take their GCSEs in year 11." "Normally, bookstores put Lord of the Rings in the Fantasy section." I may not have directly quoted you, but "normally, women fail at driving" and "women are bad drivers" are saying essentially the same thing. And yes, calling you and other people who espouse stereotypes 'tossers' was childish. On the other hand, you are a person who sees nothing wrong with being 'slightly mean'... (Also: here's a hint - jokes are funny.)
Actually statistically women do get into more wrecks, but we get into more wrecks at lower speeds and do less damage. Hence why men's insurance is higher, when they wreck it's usually a total mess. Ask your insurance company for the numbers if you want.
Rattus, think you need to chill out a touch. Skoomaki's comment was sarcasm. I laughed at it, because obviously no harm was meant. But to call them a tosser is over the top. But I'm wasting time here, because you won't listen. You'll start another long winded comment I couldn't be assed reading. So feel free to call me names too if you need champ, I'll be busy not caring!
I thought it was funny. Just saying my mom has had like 15 accidents. Aside from that she has backed into things with other peoples car numerous times and is just a terrible driver in general.
Methinks Rattus is over thinking it.
I know of some excellent women drives. They drive between construction cones on 5 freeway. That takes some massive balls.
As someone who is a woman who works in the motortrade selling vehicles. The cars we take in from women are usually in far better conditions than the ones the blokes drive.
And people say only women are bad drivers!
Well another crazy and untrue stereotype is that Asians can't drive either. Also the same goes about elderly drivers. except I feel that stereotype may be a little true.
Yet another instance that disproves stereotypes.
I'm wondering how this would happen. Did OP park in a close spot or did people block him in? I cant decide if its ydi or fyl. So confused
Since OP was trying to get out, I'm guessing he was blocked in, cause I don't know many people trying to squeeze into a tight parking space beforehand, but I wouldn't judge a vote on that, I'd vote on the fact he left his Gear in Reverse.
He was parking his car and got out to make sure he had enough space to park his car but leaving his car in gear it rolled back into the persons car when he stepped out.
Haste makes waste, don't rush, think wisely.
My husband laughed his head off as much from the 12 point turn as from the wrecking of the car.
like a 3 point point turn, but 9 more steps
Yikes! I'm glad you weren't hurt. Lesson learned!

And this years most intelligent award goes to...... Not you.
The worst thing is that you wrecked the car behind you and you will have to pay for his damaged car too.