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By hatemylifelol - 08/01/2016 20:33 - United States - Roseville

Today, I noticed I parked behind a boy I like. Trying to impress him with my driving skills, I ended up forgetting to put the car in reverse and rear-ended him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 226
You deserved it 20 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you expecting? "Wow, that girl can really drive! I need to ask her out and quickly marry her so her clearly superior genes can be passed on to children!" No, girl.

Why would you try to impress someone with your driving skills...? Idk I know men are turned on easily but all you had to do was park, look cute, and step out of the car ;)


It seems he noticed u now all you have to do is pay for the damage Good luck OP nothing is lost

Look at the bright side OP. You got to exchange numbers. And hey, you never know. It could bring you together.;)

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Let me make it up to you and buy you a coffee for the inconvenience"

We've become so lazy that we can now make a full comment purely of acronyms.

Well at least he definitely knows who you are now

tiger820 20

that's one hell of an ice breaker! well at least now you'll get his contract information.... lol big pimpin' pimpin'!

I do this too. Whenever i see someone i know... For no reason at all i drive fast. But just remember that no one cares about your driving ability.

Except for cops and people who don't want to get hit by a careless driver

Driving faster does not show you have a good driving ability, it shows you don't know how to stick to the speed limit. The best drivers (on regular roads at least) you don't even notice because you don't have to keep a sharp eye on them in case they do something stupid.

stangbang92 17

Depends on the road there's desolate roads with nothing but grass fields on each side 50 miles or more around where I Iive. The speed limits 30... The whole way. If you were to go the speed limit I'd contemplate shooting you.

It's a case of drivers with good reactions and knowledge can drive fast because they have the judgement to know when to, but going fast does not mean you are a good driver. Driving at a speed you consider safe on a road like that is fair enough, but driving faster than you otherwise would in order to impress someone suggests you're not driving with safety in mind otherwise you'd be going that speed to begin with. If you're unsure it's better to stick to the speed limit and let people overtake than drive erratically. People who loose their minds when stuck behind a slower driver instead of calmly overtaking when it's safe are just as bad as the slow pokes in my opinion.

tantanpanda 26

^I actually prefer people who speed over people who drive slow. Just because you drive fast does not mean you're an irresponsible driver. I'm generally speeding and I never get into accidents because I know how to brake appropriately and keep my lane. I seriously hope you're not one of those people who drive in the left lane on the free/highway.

Just because you drive fast doesn't mean you're a responsible (and therefore a good) driver either, which is my entire point. I don't know what's made you think that since I'm happy driving at a speed limit I'd drive at less than that or drive in the wrong lane? (The left lane would be the correct one in my country though)

Woah woah woah!!! My comment is misinterpreted or misstated. You should drive slow and be careful because no one cares how cool you look. I'm actually a very careful driver. Sorry for the mistake!

Man, nobody seems to like your comments. don't worry I agree with you though. but I don't usually go the speed limit unless it's in a town or city. that's a straight 50. on country roads that are 80 I go at least 95. max I'd go is 130. in my neighborhood I generally go 30 or under

CliffyB03 28

Well, now you have his number. So there's that

Why would you try to impress someone with your driving skills...? Idk I know men are turned on easily but all you had to do was park, look cute, and step out of the car ;)

tiger820 20

truuuuuuuuue spoken in my 2 chianz voice

I would hope most men aren't turned on by people who can drive competently.

What were you expecting? "Wow, that girl can really drive! I need to ask her out and quickly marry her so her clearly superior genes can be passed on to children!" No, girl.

well he might be impressed if you pay the repair bill.