By failureparent - 21/03/2011 01:25 - United States

Today, in an attempt to get my son to stop playing Call of Duty, I threw his Xbox controller out the window. He was so desperate, he followed it. His bedroom is on the second floor. My son has 3 broken ribs, and no future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 844
You deserved it 54 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...WOW. That's some serious addiction right there. That boy needs therapy. Seriously though OP, you don't need to go that far. You can RROD an XBox 360 just by looking at it the wrong way. I should know -- I own one. -_-

My dad doesn't know I have an xbox. He'd do the same thing hahaha. So I only play when he goes away on business trips which is regular enough anyway.


Horde 8

What can I say? Duty Calls :]

smileeee_fml 0

put the controller in a bee hive then his hands will be too swollen to play.

... The controller? Jesus. I've always had 3-4 controllers for my playstation, and they've been kinda abused, and only one stopped working, ever. And he could always walk downstairs and fetch it. Or are xbox controllers so fragile they break easily and possibly require fainting couches? Also: get your son a bigger variety of games. Playing CoD all the time isn't good for you. One needs to enjoy and absorb a variety of titles.

Ydi.. Wtf? You're the parent, learn to take charge.. There's an easy way to make him stop, ground him from it.. It'll work better than throwing the controller at the window.. Typical parent of today...

KVKdragon 26

you seriously need to get him therapy. I know it can be addictive to play video games but your son's actions were ridiculous. controllers can be replaced anyways and it's clear he needs to stop playing so passionately if he's going to jump out of a window to save a mildly expensive controller.

I wonder where he gets it from.... Why don't you try talking to him? Or spending time doing something together? Answering his addiction with destruction isn't going to get either of you anywhere. Although jumping out a window is a little extreme, it woudn't have happened if you had some parenting skills.

^^^ I want to like this comment 1000 times, but I'll settle for 1. YDI, OP.

Exactly! you could spend some time with him, OP. But nope, you just throw his shit out the window and whine about how he has no future. Father of the year material right there.

that's peobably how desperate we gamers are

MatthewHass50 0

I would never talk to you again.. lol