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By BackedOff - 10/11/2018 05:00 - Belgium

Today, in bed, my wife took her vibrator and started masturbating. Feeling excited, I went down to help her. She told me to knock it off 'cause she couldn't focus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 963
You deserved it 642

Top comments

If your wife prefers her vibrator to you, you need to find out why.

Maybe next time ask her if she wants you to join her before trying to join her.


If your wife prefers her vibrator to you, you need to find out why.

That's entirely fair. Try to do something else if she's trying to mastrubates. Kiss her or play with her boobs or something

Squidgegg 4

Or just leave her alone until she's done.

PenguinPal3017 19

Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

phantom4421 5
whiskey'swino 15

Women can had fun more than once, maybe she was warming up for you. Or just giving a show.

tounces7 27

I doubt she'd instantly push him away if that was the case.

Maybe next time ask her if she wants you to join her before trying to join her.

r 8

Excited? Why? It’s not like she invited you to the party. Next time don’t wait too long to initiate and maybe she won’t take care of business without you.

Excited because seeing your partner masturbating is hot

I have to be honest and say that I disagree. People look idiotic while masturbating. To be fair though, people also tend to look fairly moronic while having sex as well but at least while you are participating you can't really see how stupid you both look. Watching someone ********** or being in the same room watching other people have sex, is mostly just awkward and uncomfortable. If I'm not participating, I'm not watching.

you should have had your own time while watching her. #commonsense

So you were *ucked. Just not how you wanted.

Does no one else think it’s bizarre that the wife just randomly started doing that while OP was there? Who does that?

That's really rude. She's an awful person. If she doesn't have an arrangement with you for that sort of thing, she should do it in private if she doesn't want you involved.

Uh how does that make her an awful person? You don't need "permission" from your husband to **********, or from your wife for that matter, even if they're right next to you.

tounces7 27

They're married. It's actually pretty ****** up to ********** next to your partner and push them away. Like why the **** are you even married at that point?

It's not about permission. It's about respect for other person.

I disagree entirely. Occasionally people just want the ****** and don't want the work that actual sex, oral or otherwise, includes. If the wife isn't particularly feeling like being pumped by her husband, and isn't really in the mood to return the actions, it makes perfect sense that she would ********** and not want him to participate. She knows that once he gets involved it is unlikely that she is going to get to just have her ****** and go to bed. If he gets involved he's likely going to want to cum as well and then he's going to be annoyed when/if she just wants him to finish himself off by hand. Better to cut him off from the start then to essentially cause blue balls.