By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, in Burger King, I was leaning against the railing looking at the menu. I saw an old man using the rail to walk, so I got out of the way. He ran his hand across my back and said "You're so cute, I'd like to take you home and lock you in my basement naked so you can't leave" and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 801
You deserved it 3 906

Same thing different taste


babydollxD 0

ohhh gahh im so sorry thats so gross hahaa

girlwhoactshigh 0

Oh god i just therw up a lil bit in my mouth shit man. I dont know what to say other than you must really be cute :3 or maybe the old guy mistook for a lady or hes an pedo.........nah either way hes a pedo so you should probally stay away from bk for while

blah_37 0

oh god...thats so creepy...*gags*

With my luck, that old ************ would make me pay rent!

The_Derpinator 0

Wow, I can't believe that stories so obviously fake are getting approved. And it's not even that funny

#76, I wouldn't say it's obviously fake. It's pretty crazy, yeah, but life if full of crazy happenings. Lots of old people say whatever might be on their minds, no matter how creepy it is. Stranger things have happened.

Go to his house and lock him in his own basement

Ouch, that sucks. D: FYL. Pervy old people are seriously scary.