By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, in Burger King, I was leaning against the railing looking at the menu. I saw an old man using the rail to walk, so I got out of the way. He ran his hand across my back and said "You're so cute, I'd like to take you home and lock you in my basement naked so you can't leave" and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 801
You deserved it 3 906

Same thing different taste


AmyBeth 0

Well, at least he didn't do that! :D

Right, because straight men have never, ever raped women before. Go **** yourself, captain douchebag.

skullbuster 0

That was more than 10 words...FAIL pimpin88!

CourtneyDanielle_fml 9

Yes, but at least it wasn't an essay...

whoababy55 0

hahahaha. this made my day imagining the grandfather from charlie&the chocolate factory doing that to adam lambert. yeah, i'm random. :P for some reason i didnt even think about herbert.

I think the old guy was just joking, but it's still an FML. This being said, what's with all the brainless twats going "omg pedo!!" ?! There's NO INDICATION that OP is underage AT ALL. (If he was, I think that would have been mentioned), so that makes the old guy a psycho for sure (if he was serious about the basement thing), but not AT ALL a pedo. Wanting to rape adults doesn't makes you a pedo, just a regular rapist!

pimpin88 is adorable. He may talk tough but on the inside, isn't he just as scared and confused about this crazy world as the rest of us? He's like a baby deer who has lost her mother. We're all here for you, lost baby deer that is named pimpin88.