By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, in Burger King, I was leaning against the railing looking at the menu. I saw an old man using the rail to walk, so I got out of the way. He ran his hand across my back and said "You're so cute, I'd like to take you home and lock you in my basement naked so you can't leave" and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 801
You deserved it 3 906

Same thing different taste


triplethreat13 0

umm WOW. i would smack the old geezer in the head.

Old people will say anything!! Lolololol!

Serves you right for eyeballing his Whopper.

likeOMGwow 0
mashley_0709 0
McFly187 0

Haha Herbert The Pervert. Life-Sized. :)

kawa_fml 0

ahahahaha.....sounds like the little old guy was just having some fun.

epicFAIL7 0
littlemisslee 0

fake. you watch too much family guy.

#48: How can it be fake? What sort of people do you think they base Herbert off of? OP: *shudder* I feel so bad for you...

blahdeblah8392 0

this doesn't have to be fake. there's PLENTY of creepy people in the world. where do you think they got the idea for buffalo bill in silence of the lambs? he was real, and his name was ed gein.