By dazzla08 - 26/03/2011 00:07

Today, in front of my family, my brother's wife announced that she was pregnant with their first child. Everyone joked around and said I was next. Two weeks ago I found out that I'm sterile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 620
You deserved it 3 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Littlemiss__LOL 0

we all thought my sister was sterile and she is pregnant now so there is hope for you OP. sometimes the doctors are wrong.


kailyn10 0

why does this person deserve this?

This is one of the few FMLs that is actually an FML.

not fml worthy unless you like screaming brats. I would be jumping with joy if i found out i was naturally sterile but no, i have to go get a vasectomy.

manny2 0

y didn't u write this two weeks ago then?

peguinfeet 0
bent80 0

Congratulations, now you never have to deal w children. Why is this an fml?

I can see the FML now,'Today, we found out a relative is pregnant. We were joking around, saying another one of our friends was next. Turns out that two weeks ago he found out I was sterile. FML'. OP: Sorry, though!  but u can always adopt! 


ohh shit, lol that ******* sucks :(

thenumber23 0

awwww:( im so sorry! there's still a chance! there's a lot of movies where they think they can't have kids but they do!