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By loser4life - 30/07/2011 04:38 - United States

Today, in health class, I raised my hand and asked if you could get an STD from dogs. I have officially now ruined any extremely small chance I had of being popular. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 444
You deserved it 79 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments


theten_fml 9

teacher: semen has sugars in it Op: why doesn't it taste sweet?

No matter how many times I read this FML, it always make me giggle just imagining the look on everyone else's face after he asked that

austinkiser 3

I'm sure everyone else was too scare to ask that question so gratz for u stepping up .... on second thought that's just really wrong

Maybe you won't be popular but at least we know you get laid whenever you want (dogs still count!).

Even people from different countries (me :D) are laughing at you OP, pretty soon all of the world will laugh at you

the golden rule. all embarrassing questions can be avoided by using google.

So can you or not?! I need to know for a friend.

wow fyl :/ your name says it all too....

Well there's the case of a guy pumping a koala in the anus and getting an STD.

In my health class, someone asked if a period scabbed. Don't worry, there are other morons out there.

You people really don't know do you? AIDS was from a guy ******* a monkey, so in pretty damn sure you can get an STD from a dog if it has them.

You people really don't know do you? AIDS was from a guy ******* a monkey, so in pretty damn sure you can get an STD from a dog if it has them.

FreshSalad 1

Actually, AIDS in humans came from people eating monkeys with AIDS. That's a way you can transfer it but since humans don't eat humans we don't talk about it.

ohrlynao 0

I have a great solution: DON'T **** DOGS.

iLOLatURpain69 7

At least he didnt ask about horses.

103 and 111- your both rong! the US goverment invented AIDS!!! its a conspiracy i tell ya, a conspiracy!!!! ;)

FuniiBunii 0

U should've start laughing and make it seem as ur jking , even if it wouldn't sound funny it would be better than wt everyone thinks f u nw -.-

jjoyce6 0

Taking doggy style a little to literally?

icecreammintz 0

thats when you say well i was just wondering because i saw the guy next to me forcing his dog to rape him

96 When I saw your comment, I looked up to check the name. I was seriously hoping the name would "doglover".

PrimeStarscream 30
zendaddy0 0

out of all my years of interneting I can honestly sat WTF's ***********. Nice try though Justin Bieber.

cummbubble 0

clever, i bet you have done that before 187

suitgirl5 5

143 Could you be any more of an idiot. AIDS kills people all the time, what's next, polio and cancer are just made up?

This would've been so much more credible if you had spelled "wrong" right.

dannnngthatsux 19

#103. Latest medical reports show it came from humans eating monkeys and apes, not screwing them. That's brucellosis you are thinking of.

CookieMonstr19 0

You probably should've thought that one through a bit more before u raised ur hand......good luck.

I think OP just likes it doggy style

YourEvilHero 12

today I found out out my daughter uses our hotdogs as a *****. fml

Ugh fml on my phone is double posting all the time now

75- same here. Hopefully this one doesn't. But I keep crashing after I post and then it double posts.

CptGap 0

oh ma gaud now u is not popular sad face for yoo?? :(

He plays fetch, but with 2 tennis balls if you know what I mean

iLOLatURpain69 7

Its gonna cost him $300 to get his pitbull an abortion.

itsgen 16

I wonder if op likes to use peanut butter with her dogs ......

OP- why the **** would you ask that. Do you want to have sex with a dog

What he should be asking is if the dog can get them from him

Shouldve had both! Seriously what did you expect was going to happen with a *********** question?

rofflewaffle 9

It's okay; I had Subway for lunch.

youre not the same when youre hungry.snickers!.

4- this would make for a great commercial for twix. hahaha

SamBaBam98 0

Wow, there's a whole new spin to Doggy Style.

Wow, there's a whole new meaning to Doggy Style.

Parazad 16

Why would you think that? A little thinking could have solved your question.

my people might get accused of eating dogs, which is not true, but ******* a dog?? that's just nasty.....

kevalanwilliams 0

I've heard of Chinese eating dog. But not texans.

Takuya272727 16

Some people eat dogs somewhere, I'm sure. Chinese eat cats? I'm sure a few girls have had sex with their dog, whether looking to screw, curiousity, or something. I've seen a video and read a few stories... A guy, IDK about...

smilessss 4

you are such a freaking closed minded idiot. Chinese don't eat cats

Takuya272727 16

It was a question, as I had heard it somewhere and thinking of dog eating reminded me of that. I'm sure someone has eaten cat before, as same with a dog. As Japanese eat fish sperm, americans don't. I don't even see how it was closed minded though.

softball1432 0

they do eat dogs. maybe you should look it up on YouTube. the video shows the proof and the cruel way that they treat animals..

Don't lie to us. With a mind like that, you never had a chance in the first place.

HAHAHAHA! interestin yet totally wierd question...

Symmetry88 0

you're pretty much screwed. next time, DON'T SCREW DOGS!

Vash_41288 10

yes stick to other animals like obscure ones at list you'll stand out among the animal fetish crowd lol

Captain0bv10us 0

12 - They're man's best friend for a reason ;)

just take out the first two letters and say HAHA to you haters