War drums
By Taylor - 30/07/2011 05:14 - United States

By Taylor - 30/07/2011 05:14 - United States
By wickedbeauty333 - 26/09/2012 22:54 - United States - Katy
By ChubbyTubby - 17/01/2010 18:13 - United States
By Wawawiwa - 21/07/2010 23:44 - Namibia
By RobinBunny713 - 19/07/2011 03:23 - United States
By rastafarimon - 17/04/2011 05:56 - United States
By Fuck - 25/02/2015 21:39 - United States - Fowler
By saynotochrispine - 28/07/2009 04:15 - United States
By S…… - 09/01/2011 10:18 - Singapore
By Jessie - 25/12/2010 13:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/04/2013 05:14 - Canada - Clairmont
Hopefully he didn't say "I am your father!"
OP is just bragging at this point
did he use the force?
long ago in a land far far away...
Nerds will be nerds.
20- ....stfu
Haha. I love how there's 252 thumbs up!! Most I've ever seen! And yes. Hopefully he didn't say that. :D
At least it wasn't the Jaws theme...or maybe that would have been more appropriate.
jaws would only be appropriate if it's the same boyfriend that's afraid of pussy teeth!
awesome fml reference there!!
Best comment ever! ;)
It would be better if OP said, No, I am your Father afterwards
that is really weird
That's weird
Lots of it, hopefully.
Did his forces find their way to the death star?
yes, but unfortunately the hole he had to aim for was only 1 foot wide, so entry was nearly impossible
I don't know why she's complaining. Star wars is a classic an epic one at that. You should be flattered that he would even compare your pussy to that.
well said!
I would marry that man...
Or "The Force is now in you."
lmfao hilarious post and comment.
nice ****
I agree 207
*force choke*
ok how am I single and guys like that aren't??!
this advice is so true :) your looks aren't bad either, i would date you so I'm sure others would too
At least he didn't call your ****** "Chewbacca"
Past FML reference!!! :3
because you have nice ****.
Who said you have to care?
be glad he doesnt call himself jar jar binks lol
333 thumbs up with me!!!
LMAO u saw tht one lol
me too haha
Na, Indiana jones would have been more appropriate while exploring the 'Temple of Doom'.
the pirates of the carribean theme is a personal favourite, especially when I'm brushing my teeth
At least he didn't do a yoda impression
OP, that would make you a Death Star. I think he is trying to tell you something. FYL
Well your boyfriend Is very creative! ...And likes Star Wars. Now that's a plus.
I think it's cute...
haha I actually don't see how this is a fml.
Hopefully he didn't say "I am your father!"
At least he didn't call your ****** "Chewbacca"