By Annieisnotokay - 17/04/2013 10:20 - United Kingdom
Annieisnotokay tells us more.
Just want to point out that I was pretty sure I had a last sentence that said 'turns out I lasted 5 minutes before fainting'. I am not claiming that I was in full blown panic mode for a full hour. I have a diagnosed OCD which does effect quite a large part of my life, I can't even use paper in class. The majority of my friends know I have this OCD and my best friend only brought it up as an example because she knows I don't really mind people knowing because for me as embarrassing as it is, I feel that if people know they won't make a big deal out of it and since I'm in year 12 I wasn't expecting people to over react as they did. The people who were doing it were the boys in my class who are really only in the class because they needed an extra subject to be allowed to attend the college I'm at. The teacher was trying to stop them but she was a substitute so naturally the already rowdy boys were not going to be told to stop.
Top comments
I feel you. My boyfriend bothers me by pressing buttons on the ice maker on my fridge. I need it to be pressed to the middle button. It lights up. And I'm afraid of moths. My friend threw one at me.
I read the moth issue as being directly related to your previous sentences, as opposed to a separate issue. For a second I pictured a water dispenser on a fridge that dispenses moths. It was an amusing thought.
They start planking due to OP's aversion to creasing?
Some best friend you have there.
I have CDO. It's the same as OCD, except in the correct alphabetical order like it needs to be.
But, but... but then it doesn't make any sense, how can your OCD... sorry, CDO, allow you to call it by the alphabetically correct version. I don't even...
I'm sorry that happened OP. i have panic attacks too and have been trying to keep the cause from classmates for this exact reason. He/ she can't be a true friend to bring it up so someone would hear.
Dude your friend isn't a friend, let alone a best friend! I'm lucky my friends never prey on my OCD problems.
I'm freaking out that the OP used OCD in the plural. Does this mean "people with OCD" or are there multiple disorders? I though OCD was one disorder.
OCD means Obscessive Compulsive Disorder. It can basically be ANYthing. So there is actually many differents OCDs :)
no it cant be just anything. people think it can which is why so many consider quirks as having ocd. OCD means you compulsivly obsess over things which is why many have to take a certain number of steps before moving on, collect and store items or are always cleaning. its a control measure. people with OCD believe that if they do not switch the tv on an off 4 times (for example) then terrible things will happen. being a neat freak is not OCD wanting you desk lined up a certain way is not OCD.
OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is a single disorder that is characterized by certain obsessions (cleanliness, organization, etc) or compulsions, acts the sufferer feels the need to perform to prevent something from happening (ritualized hand washing, checking locks/flipping light switches a certain number of times, etc)
You'll be back to beige in no time! :) Just please stay away from taupe O.o
That was so childish and unfair of your classmates, the teacher should have done something about this and not let them carry on, a part of the lesson on OCD should have been dedicated to explaining why this behaviour is not acceptable especially if you are aware of a persons condition. Okay, rant over. Sorry OP, hopefully they won't carry on giving you a hard time in each class.
Your teacher is a complete and utter douche if they knowingly allowed this to continue.
I'm hoping you aren't in a college psychology class..people need to respect that OCD isn't really something you can conquer easily on your own.