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By AlwaysTired - 28/11/2015 03:21 - United States - San Carlos

Today, I was officially diagnosed with OCD. My mother's reaction? "That's not possible, she's a fucking slob." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 377
You deserved it 2 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering what kind of OCD you've got?


After applying the ointment, it should only be a matter of days before the disorder clears up.

mds9986 24

It's like people rush to get a top comment without even reading half of the FML.

meli1195 31

yea because its soo easy to feel better from ocd.

Is there something you know that we don't? Come on spit it out!

They where probably talking about recovering from their mothers awful response. Not the OCD.

Am I the only one wondering what kind of OCD you've got?

OCD doesn't necessarily mean a neat person, I have it too and my room's a pigsty. It only affects me with patterns.

Same with me white tiger. I like certain things in certain places. also some people with ocd look at a project a few steps ahead and if it looks like they can't finish the way they want too they just don't even start.

People who have OCD don't always have the compulsion to clean. They might feel compulsed to count, follow meaningful routines, etc.

I have OCD, and I usually don't feel like I need to clean everything. But, I do certain things in a specific order every day, always eat the exact same breakfast, count everything, and odd numbers really bother me. So if I leave the house I always turn the doorknob 4x to make sure it's locked. OCD can be a broad spectrum of things, which is why a lot of people annoyingly diagnose themselves with OCD because they have a small quirk. But it doesn't necessarily have to be cleaning and organizing everything.

abraybro 27

Like what others said, OCD doesn't necessarily mean you have cleaning compulsions. I have OCD, but in a form called Pure O, meaning pure obsessional. Long story short, I obsess over my intrusive thoughts pretty much. It's such a debilitating illness.

#6, Do you really have OCD? That ONLY affects you with patterns? I hate when people say they have OCD because they're just picky about details, usually it doesn't 'only' affect people with something like that, OCD is an anxiety disorder that usually has at least some type of affect on everyone 24/7.

I have a form of OCD (combined with a few other things) and basically it just means I get really obsessed with people and i hoard everything. I mean everything. One of my walls in covered in receipts that date back to like 2001. So my room looks like a total mess but it's perfectly organized to me.

It's not about cleanliness at all. It's about obsessing over something and not being able to function in life until it's 'correct.' I have to have certain numbers of dishes and silverware. If a plate is broken or a fork thrown away, I obsess over it until I have to go buy new, usually not more than two hours after I find out it happened or I. can't think or sleep. I went through so many dish sets until I bought a set that can be replaced individually. It's weird numbers, too, not like 8 of everything, but 4 of this and 8 of this and 16 of this. I'm finally on a medication that helps me not obsess over it but I still like correct numbers, so it's not perfect, but does allow me to sleep with a broken plate in trash.

AlysiaChanel 16

I dont like odd numbers either lol

Ocd makes me do weird things like wash my hands twice every time or wait in my car 10 seconds before turning it on or lock and unlock my door 3 times before I go to bed or count my steps. Stuff like that. It's different for everyone.

cheshireau 26

My room is a mess but my computer and its contents are set out meticulously. I can't have the volume on anything on an odd number. I count when I walk.. It's different to each individual.

I have to have my dishes set up in my cupboard a certain way. I don't mean that as "oh so and so put this plate where a cup goes" either. Each plate needs to be stacked in a certain order, my cups lined up in a certain order. Same thing with my forks, strangely enough only my forks. I count my steps when I walk, and stairs when climb or descend them. The volume on my tv/computer/radio cannot be on an odd number. I absolutely have to follow the exact same routine every morning (afternoons and evenings can change as much as they'd like but my mornings have to be the same). If any of these things change I become irrationally upset, shaky, I get shortness of breath, sleeplessness, lightheaded, nervousness. It sucks sometimes. Rarely though, I do sometimes get this feeling like I need to clean. Usually when this happens, it's like one thing. Like the kitchen is a mess so I have to clean, sterilize, and sanitize the oven. I would spend hours just getting that one thing to my specification of clean. But like I said, that happens pretty rarely.

I have OCD for cleanliness, I've been to therapy and it's gotten better but I used to not be able to go 15 minutes without washing my hands

i_live_to_vault 19

It's not a mess, I organize things in my own unique way.

ChopSuey444 20

I just have a chaotic sense of organization. Yeah it's a mess but I know where stuff is.

I'm that way too, I call it organised chaos.

the apple must not fall far from the tree. if she is unhappy with her parenting skills, she shouldn't take it out on you

OCD has nothing to do with parenting skills.

No, the mother is making it seem like she has no idea what OCD actually is.

There are many types of OCD. Germaphobes are not neat freaks nor count syllables of spoken words in their head. It's not very sensitive or supportive of your mom. But... if you're a slob, then YDI.

Suaria 38

How does anyone deserve to OCD? It doesn't matter if the person is messy. OCD will affect anyone.

Of course she doesn't deserve OCD. The FML was about her mom's reaction. As I said, not very caring or sensitive of her mom, but if a person is called a slob because she's a slob it's only one person's fault.

I could be wrong, but I think the fml is more about the fact that her mom knows nothing about the disorder she was just diagnosed with.

She's got a point, OP. It's also impossible for thin people to have eating disorders. Yep. Totally rational and not at all based on ignorance.