By FattyMcFatterson - 24/06/2009 02:37 - United States
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Or it came from God.
I quote Dennis Leary on this " We have some fat $!&@ing people in this country, put the fork down!!"
hey y dont u try losing a few (hundred) pounds. i would be embarrased to admit that tiny
Go on a diet.. You deserve that for being too lazy to exercise and massively contributing to the fast food industries.
hey #251 whats the big deal about contributing to the fast food industry. tons of not fat people eat fast food too. and if we all of a sudden stopped supporting that industry alot of people would lose their jobs and it would really hurt our economy. its not the industry thats the problem, its people who have problems eating healthy and exercising.
HAAHAHA. i'm sorry but that was hilarious
I wish I had fat rolls like that. I'd store all kinds of crazy things in them.

Go for a run, imagine what might fall out of your fat :D
that's sad