By FattyMcFatterson - 24/06/2009 02:37 - United States

Today, in the shower, a dime fell on my foot. The only place it could have come from? One of my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 235

Top comments


I'm not trying to be a dick but honestly you gotta lose some damn weight.

money is money. that's another dime for a diet program.

BrassKnucklez69 0

all of yuhh guys are fcking assholes i'm pretty shur he/she doesn't want to b fat it's not that easy to loose weight its not like he/she can go for a ten minute walk and all the weight problems are gone no thats not how it works all of yuhh guys are the reason ppl get depressed and comit suicidee ...yuhh guys shuld fckking b ashamed of yuhhrselves karma is a bitchh and onee day it'll come bckk to yuhh and bitee yuh in the ass for being so mean too ppl

sincerely331 0

Yes I agree OP needs to lose weight. But you people can be a lot more nicer, don't make fun of OP. Just say, "lose weight" and keep it moving. Why be so ******* mean about it?

FMLucky 5

hahahahahaha I laughed so hard that I forgot about the rapture

mariboo13 0

hey comment thats third b4 mine ur fat to thats why ur sayin that lol

Shadow_Phantom 26

This comic... omfg this comic. roflmao