By NoSpirit - 01/11/2012 08:20

Today, in the spirit of Halloween and to get back at a child who repeatedly pressed the doorbell until I showed up, I quickly opened the door and yelled "Boo!" The child ended up being carried away crying with wet pants by a mother threatening to sue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 054
You deserved it 5 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can she sue you for that? It's ******* Halloween

iOceanus 18

Hey, he got what he deserved! It was only a scare anyway.


That's what you get for being a rude little brat! Nice work, OP. Aha!

nachosbabygurl 9
iChel413 6

Lol I really doubt she will sue. She should have told her kiddie to press it once or twice, wait 15 seconds, and if you don't hear anyone coming to the door then lets go to the next house.

I had an Indian woman scream at me that I needed to put my black cat away after answering the door and her kid ran away shrieking because "Indian people are afraid of black cats, don't you know that?!". My best friend is Indian and he informed me that she was full of crap. Apparently Halloween is not for the weak these days...

Sounds like the brat deserved it. Maybe he'll think twice before being so rude next time. FYL

Rocky007 15

Yes!! Scaring little kids is what Halloween is all about!!

If you did that to my kid, I would kick your ass! Karma is a bitch, and it seems you are as well. Is it so hard to open a door and say "STOP IT!"?

It's Halloween, if you don't want anyone yelling BOO at you and your child then keep your ass at home. Halloween is supposed to be a bit scary and someone yelling Boo is tame compared to what they could be doing. How would it have really been any better if they had just opened the door and said "Stop It". One that does wind up sounding a bit rude, especially if by then other children had joined the annoying one. Two, many parents would yell and scream more about them saying "Stop it" because "HOW DARE YOU DISCIPLINE MY CHILD, WHO THE **** ARE YOU TO TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO" I have both been there and done that when I simply asked a child to please stop throwing things into my yard (intentionally) while it was being mowed. Yelling Boo is at least not asking for anything. Three, honestly if your kid is still young enough that someone simply yelling boo is going to cause them to piss their pants then you should be controlling them so they aren't doing things like repeatedly ringing the door bell. If you can't do that then take them home or to one of those half-assed mall trick or treats or something because clearly they are too young for the real thing.

And she is what makes me hate people sometimes.

Haha that would be the most hilarious lawsuit ever! Normally people pay to get scared or for there children to get scared on Halloween. Bravo!

Faaaake. You said boo and upset the child, but the mother never threatened to sue you. Obvious attention ***** is obvious...