By bitchypast - 27/01/2015 23:50 - United States - Rockland

Today, is the blizzard. I have to go into work, my boss threatened to fire me if I didn't show up. I sent him a picture of the snow completely covering my car. He said I moved the snow there and could move it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 396
You deserved it 2 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ndnpride88 25

Idk if you are aware but if your state declares a state of emergency he/she cannot fire you for not showing up for work. Look it up to verify your state work laws during state emergencies. Good luck op.


Your boss is a moron. I bet he wants to stay home and that is why he wants you to go to work.

I'm a letter carrier in Alberta and I have to deliver mail even after getting 2 feet of snow, but we're used to it, if there is a state of emergency your boss can't do squat to you for not going in. Places that don't get that kind of weather have no reason to be prepared for it when it does happen so he needs to suck it up. (The boss, not the OP)

What a douche! Though it's not the end of the world. Where I live in most winter mornings my car is covered with snow with the temperature ranging from 0C to -30C (32F - 2F) and I still have to go to work.

BananaMan844 4

Time to hit the Yellow Pages, eh?

aelitalyoko 14

if he fires you, sue him for unethical fire. you can't do anything about the snow.

that's retarded it's not illegal to fire someone "unethically" unless it's for race/religion/nationality/sex....

nialls_girl 13

Well this is mainly a concern for older folks, but shoveling snow dangerously increases your chances of getting a heart attack. Your boss should take a hike.

Did your boss seriously accuse you of faking snowfall accumulation? Really? He understands the whole region has two feet of snow, right? You're not just conjuring it up and putting it on your car. ******* asshole.