By bitchypast - 27/01/2015 23:50 - United States - Rockland

Today, is the blizzard. I have to go into work, my boss threatened to fire me if I didn't show up. I sent him a picture of the snow completely covering my car. He said I moved the snow there and could move it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 396
You deserved it 2 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ndnpride88 25

Idk if you are aware but if your state declares a state of emergency he/she cannot fire you for not showing up for work. Look it up to verify your state work laws during state emergencies. Good luck op.


Your boss is an ass. I don't think that it's right that work places don't have delays or closings like schools because adults are just as important as children are. If not more..

lol I find it funny how certain cities shut down over a little snow , we will get three feet of snow and not even cancel schools , still sucks for you your boss is a dick!

It majorly depends on the ability of the city to GET RID OF the snow. Somewhere like, say, Texas isn't gonna have much in the way of snow plows and road salting programs so things are gonna shut down quick. Also, it depends on the type of snow. If it's the dry little powder puffs, sure. whatever. However, my area gets snow but isn't cold enough to sustain it, leading to a ton of slush and black ice. it completely depends on the area.

I agree totally I live in snow capital Of the united states which is in Alaska with a range of 300" of snowfall a season. 3 feet doesn't seem like anything unless a city doesn't have a very good snow removal plan.

Charles900 16

He's just being an asshole. If he fires you because of it, you can sue him for wrongful termination.

everyone wants to use people for everything

True but this is one of those times where it's totally acceptable to sue. You don't fire someone during a blizzard that keeps them from going anywhere. His boss is asking him to risk his life for his job. That's wrong.

PatriotsMan 7

You know if you didn't spend the time posting on FML you might have been done clearing the snow away from your car.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

You are in Maine, not Atlanta. Get yer yankee ass to work!

Do you know where Maine is? It's way above Atlanta. In fact it's that state on the top right of a US map. Atlanta is part of the south. Learn geography before you post.

Well your car got covered by snow, that's too bad! Were I live we get up to 3 meters and nobody complains!

Stay at home and play some Starcraft. You sound like you could use some Blizzard entertainment.

Tell him you'll just report him to the labor department for wrongful termination