By bitchypast - 27/01/2015 23:50 - United States - Rockland

Today, is the blizzard. I have to go into work, my boss threatened to fire me if I didn't show up. I sent him a picture of the snow completely covering my car. He said I moved the snow there and could move it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 396
You deserved it 2 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ndnpride88 25

Idk if you are aware but if your state declares a state of emergency he/she cannot fire you for not showing up for work. Look it up to verify your state work laws during state emergencies. Good luck op.


Dumbass, he should put a sock in it. How the hell would you cover your car with snow and not be able to uncover it? What the hell? FY