By Scorned Employee - 02/01/2012 03:38 - United States

Today, it finally became clear to me that before you start dating a co-worker, it's best to figure out who they've already dated from work, just in case one of her exes is your new manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 053
You deserved it 7 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or you just don't date co-workers at all.

sweet2u22 9

Dating coworkers is against a lot of company's policies for a reason.


juliajealousyy 1

Sounds like she has more than 1 ex in the office now?

Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? Hahahaha that sounds hella creepy, sorry!

She's way out of your league kid. Oh wait, she's thirteen. Neeeevermind.

brohamas16 7
omfg_creepers 8

I hope that works for you. You can always black mail him if he picks shit with you.

That's why you should keep your work and personal life APART. :)

Just don't date co-workers at all... Unless you are completely out of options... Then again, being alone is still better than work place drama.

Looks like you're stuck in a lose-lose situation, my friend. FYL Indeed.

That's why you don't date co-workers, ever,,,

GoW_Chick 14

At least you and your manager have something in common you can swap stories in the break room.