By Scorned Employee - 02/01/2012 03:38 - United States

Today, it finally became clear to me that before you start dating a co-worker, it's best to figure out who they've already dated from work, just in case one of her exes is your new manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 043
You deserved it 7 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or you just don't date co-workers at all.

sweet2u22 9

Dating coworkers is against a lot of company's policies for a reason.


ivanhoe4u 3
ThatLooksSticky 16

I don't shit at work. I hold it in until I get home.

I thought one of the general rules of the office was you don't date co- workers.

musicmaniac0099 0

Keep it secretive from him.

kickboxingchick 5

That's a terrible idea . Then it'd be even worse then if he found out by the OP just telling him .

astralvagan 20

Usually when you date a ****, there won't be any secrets as to who she had slept with because she's already talking to the next guy about you and how good/bad you were

hero93 6

trying to be nice here.. but your new girlfriend sounds like the office hoe. sorry. maybe try the business down the street ?

AdrianEC 15

There goes that promotion, and after all that butt-kissing you did to the old manager too. Seriously though, FYL.

Or, more politely, don't get your meat where you get your bread. Dating coworkers is almost always a bad idea. It's a recipe for drama at best, and a recipe for termination and a sexual harassment lawsuit at worst. Dating cow orkers is even worse. Never date anyone who orks cows.

perdix 29

I was thinking that, too. I've heard that phrase for years and it always has struck me as odd? Who equates sex with defecation? I looked in Bartlett's Quotations and found it attributed to Manuel "Dirty" Sanchez. That explains it.

Must've been invented while aboard a steamer headed to Cleveland.