By pleasekillme - 19/04/2013 11:44 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, it has been over 3 months since my housemates ended their 1 month long relationship. He's still creepily obsessed with her. He picked the bathroom lock when I was in the shower and tried to get in, and then called me a "fucking c*nt" when he realised it was me in there, not her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 130
You deserved it 4 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the police. Nothing good is going to come out of letting this slide.


OP, please take this seriously. He sounds very dangerous. You and your roommate might want to move out. Please read up on intimate partner violence.

CreepInTheCorner 11
Quiet_one 22

I noticed you signed your name as "pleasekillme." In all seriousness, if you don't get away from this creep he just might. The same goes for your other housemate. Get out of there now.

yeah that's why you should definitely do a background check and psych evaluation on future roommates and make a rule that no roommates can date each other to spare the awkwardness and in this case, this crazy-obsessiveness ha!

How DARE you trick him like that, you thoughtless b!tch! He sounds like a bag of crazy. Good luck with that, OP.

'*******' is used a lot more regularly than '****'. Females may find '****' offensive (I know I do) due to its negative connotation. That, my friend, is why she sensored '****' and not '*******'.

give him the option of leave right now this weekend or be charged with attempted rape.

OP, tell your housemate, go to the police together and both of you move. Please. This guy is dangerous. He's picking locks to get to her, he will become worse. He'll start using violence soon. Worst part is is that he'll not realise that what he's doing is wrong. My ex was like that after he broke up with me. He went from ringing the doorbell for a whole night to picking locks, sneaking in and trying to lie beside me in bed, in just 3 months time. Turns out he was psychotic and thought that 'we could work things out' if he could make me realize that we were meant to be. Please OP, get yourself and your housemate out of there.