By pleasekillme - 19/04/2013 11:44 - United Kingdom - Brighton

Today, it has been over 3 months since my housemates ended their 1 month long relationship. He's still creepily obsessed with her. He picked the bathroom lock when I was in the shower and tried to get in, and then called me a "fucking c*nt" when he realised it was me in there, not her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 130
You deserved it 4 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the police. Nothing good is going to come out of letting this slide.


Kick him out, or move out OP. This won't end well for you.

Its all bad when you date a roommate.

Move out or kick him out its just gonna get worst

Wow! Move to another city and change your name. He might come after you next!

There are laws protecting tenants from roommates if they do something to harm you. You need to file a police report and use it to get him out!

Time for both of you to move out, and for her to get a restraining order.

onorexveritas 23

what a weirdo! hopefully he gets over her otherwise I think its time for you to find a new flatmate

many people in this thread think there's an easy as a fix as getting a restraining order. obvisouly there's some reason they haven't just walked away already. a lot of the time its not economicaly or contractually viable to kick someone out or just move away. even in a less creepy situation it still takes quite awhile of planning to make a move. its not an over night thing.

kkamp516 10

Sounds like the beginning of a really kinky porno.