By Anonymous - 24/04/2011 20:55 - United States

Today, it is both my birthday and Easter. My whole family came into town and my mom made a big dinner with all of my favorite foods. After church, I took a nap. When I woke up, all the food, including my cake, was gone. No one thought to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 468
You deserved it 6 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, but when your whole family is here, and there's a dinner for your birthday, it seems reasonable to expect to be woken up for it, don't you think ?


catrav77 0

....I like to sleep on my birthday. isn't that the point of birthdays? It's the one day that you can do whatever you'd like

Really sucks, they need to make you another cake and dinner, the jerks.

IHeartJimi02 0

That sucks op. I'm sorry. I'd be upset too if my family did that.

DBScott_fml 0

YDI for sleeping on your birthday. But also, get revenge by hiding all the food at 3AM.

why would op have thought to set an alarm clock.? op obviously didnt think their family would eat all the food without them. stfu and stop being immature. happy birthday op

Why would he go to sleep when his entire family came to see him? That's just rude, don't you think?

KVKdragon 26

the op could be tired from waking up early on the weekends or had a late night at work or something. it's pretty hard to assume that kind of thing when there aren't too many details

shaysters1432 0

thats bitchy new fam!? happy bday...(:

it's my birthday too, my family didn't even make me a cake, and no one said happy birthday to me.

skyeyez9 24

Lovely family you have there. T.T wtf is wrong with them??!