By Anonymous - 24/04/2011 20:55 - United States

Today, it is both my birthday and Easter. My whole family came into town and my mom made a big dinner with all of my favorite foods. After church, I took a nap. When I woke up, all the food, including my cake, was gone. No one thought to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 466
You deserved it 6 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, but when your whole family is here, and there's a dinner for your birthday, it seems reasonable to expect to be woken up for it, don't you think ?


Amanda452 0

What a bunch of meanies :P on your next family member's birthday you should bake them a cake, then eat it all yourself !

sallen0046 4

If you didn't think to tell anyone you were going to take a nap and would need to be woken, why is it so horrible that they didn't think to come and look for you? Perhaps they simply thought you did not wish to participate since you snuck off to sleep instead of visiting with your family. Next time either tell someone, or set aside a plate for yourself beforehand.

Anyone with a brain would look around at cake cutting time and notice the birthday girl/boy is nowhere to be found, go find them, and wake them up. There is nothing wrong with taking a nap on your birthday. Even when relatives are visiting. It's not like they came over to talk to you and only you.

Kebby8D 2

Oh for the love of God, shut the hell up. It's her damn birthday, they should have remembered her. Sure, she could have told people she was taking a nap, but the fact they didn't even realize she wasn't there is insulting enough. People aren't perfect; I'm sure if you were stuck in the same situation you wouldn't have been thinking, "Huh, maybe I should have told someone I was taking a nap. This is all my fault." No, you probably would have been upset too. Besides, she says they ate all the cake without her. The cake was there because it was her birthday. Assuming they do what people normally do on birthdays, this means the birthday person blows out the candles and people sing "Happy Birthday" to them. The fact that they ate the cake without even thinking about her validates this as a legitimate FML. And really? "They thought she didn't want to participate"? Are you kidding me? (This is assuming the OP is a woman...the gender isn't specified)

They DID remember her (him?)! The family came into town, Mom made a cake and all the OP's favorite foods. OP went and shut herself into her room, instead.

Kebby8D 2

You'd think they'd at least go and check on her/him. Not just assume he/she didn't want to participate. And church is early in the morning, it's normal for someone to take a nap after church. I did. She didn't go "shut herself in her room."

How do you know she didn't? I get the feeling this is kind of a pattern with her, and that's why the family threw the whole birthday ****-you in her face. It's really not too soon for her to learn that the entire universe doesn't revolve around her ass. No, not even on her birthday.

DivakiddOsz 5

why you ppl gotta hate on my comments sheeesh

uh-oh! look who hopped in for Easter! it's me, MissBunny :D *applause from crowd* thank you, thank you. you all get cookies and macaroni. as for my comment towards the FML, oh my jelly donuts , your life is a sad one indeed, OP.

I have a feeling someone wasn't loved much as a child.

Kebby8D 2

Really? "I get the feeling that..." Bullshit. I'm pretty sure if she shut herself in her room and ignored her family throughout her birthday, she wouldn't be complaining that they ignored her. At this point you're just jumping to illogical conclusions just to make an argument. And yes, on your birthday, you deserve some extra attention. I don't know what the hell your family's like that you think that she doesn't.

You don't know OP's situation. OP probably worked late the night before and they didn't get enough sleep because church starts pretty early. it's OP's birthday, and his family could have at least woke him/her up. Honestly OP's family was wrong. And who sets an alarm clock when taking a nap?

You don't know OP's situation. OP probably worked late the night before and they didn't get enough sleep because church starts pretty early. it's OP's birthday, and his family could have at least woke him/her up. Honestly OP's family was wrong. And who sets an alarm clock when taking a nap?

anakaren_831 1

Let's look at the bright side here, at least they had fun:D

Is today seriously your birthday? It's my birthday too. I got an iPhone 4 :) That must've sucked OP.

KVKdragon 26

lucky you. you don't have controlling family members that assume you'll abuse the Internet. that's one of the reasons my sis convinced my parents to not get me a smartphone, the other being that I'm not worthy of one since I "am slacking in school" (which was total bs)

I have no words to describe how arrogant and douchey it is to post that when you know OP had a shitty birthday. What is wrong with you?

bribri360 0
PancakesEqualLov 0

on the bright side, you have the same birthday as tyson ritter. :)