By Anonymous - 24/04/2011 20:55 - United States

Today, it is both my birthday and Easter. My whole family came into town and my mom made a big dinner with all of my favorite foods. After church, I took a nap. When I woke up, all the food, including my cake, was gone. No one thought to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 468
You deserved it 6 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, but when your whole family is here, and there's a dinner for your birthday, it seems reasonable to expect to be woken up for it, don't you think ?


flyerfan101 9

you forgot to wish em happy easter

perdix 29

How wasted did you get last night that you could sleep through your entire family being there? They probably all thought of waking you but decided you were too fat and/or unpleasant to join them for their festive meal.

bthomas0319 2
EmoGiana 0
IHeartJimi02 0

Up? 6 was correct saying op.

Why the hell would you go to sleep when your whole family is there for your birthday? Go nap when they aren't in town!

nellie36 0

that's hilarious. but that kinda blows for you

They probably figured screw you if you couldn't be bothered to be sociable. Really, your mom went to the trouble to cook and bake, your relatives traveled into town, and you crawl off and expect everybody to hold off and wait around until you're finished napping? Not going to happen. Glad her hard work did the rest of the family some good. Maybe you'll have a whole new attitude next year.

tonydizzle 0

wow what are the odds it's my b day too and no one remembered at least you had a cake =(