By Kitten_Love - 28/01/2013 19:52 - France - Paris

Today, it's been two months since I got a kitten. He loves to hide, and then surprise me by jumping out of his hiding place. It was quite a surprise when he launched himself out of my bag during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 115
You deserved it 6 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone must of thought you were cool. Carrying pussy in your bag...


op got pussy when he dont want pussy whata voss

mirandaelcraig 13

Awh, adorable. Hopefully you didn't get in too much trouble. Hope your cat doesn't it again

wait till it gets bigger. that will certainly be a surprise.

Satoaoi 13

oh my gosh. how does someone explain such madness

I know this is a good reason to complain, but awwwwwww xD this is the cutest thing I've read all day. I can just picture it :P

This happened to me two years ago with my Sugar Glider. Little guy got into my hoodie and slept in it; didn't even notice the extra weight until it woke up in AP Bio from all the noise. That was an interesting day...

lylid 2

That's not good or bad. That's just cute!

Aww that's cute. My kitty does that too - I've always secretly hoped he'd come to class with me.