By chaos2007 - 13/05/2009 05:11 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. After a day out partying, I came home to find all my stuff smashed in the yard, even my 42" plasma TV. After asking my girlfriend what her problem was, she said a "slut" left a message on the machine stating how fun last night was. It turned out to be my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 91 289
You deserved it 5 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplyabsurd 0

I suggest ditching the psycho. A 42" plasma? I certainly hope she's going to buy you a new one. But my guess is she doesn't even have a job. Just because it has legs and talks doesn't mean it's worth dating.

deaditegirl 0

Well, now maybe you can get a girlfriend who is slightly less crazy...


I agree with #151. Sue her, she had no right to destroy your belongings, no matter what "****" left a message on your answering machine.

Why wasn't she there anyway? But yeah that was way overreacting, she could have at least called you first.

smbxsway 0

Even if it wasn't your mom, that's still a psycho thing to do. I agree with pretty much everyone else in that I hope she's your ex now and she should pay for the stuff she destroyed.

Vren 0

Girls like that watch too much TV and take it to heart. They also listen to too much music (thank you, Carrie Underwood) about vengeful girls getting revenge on bad boys. Normal, sane people do not act like that. She is living in a pretend world and you should dump her.

Funtertaining11 0

Now that's one crazy, asinine, you-know-what. Don't you hate when people draw conclusions too quickly? It's infuriating. Empathy towards you and your stuff. Unless she had permission and access to your house, i'd file her for a B&E, and make her pay for the damages.

Take the **** to court. Make her your bitch financially. This is of course before or after you literally put it in her butt. Make her feel as worthless as possible before you stop all communication.

I think she has listened to one too many Carrie Underwood songs...

If she doesn't pay for your stuff, call the cops. Oh, and please put a tattoo on her forehead warning other guys that she's a psycho bitch. Thanks :)

why do girls feel like they have to break guy's shit if they cheat???