By mckenna9797 - 07/09/2016 11:16 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I'd planned to take my family and friends to dinner with my own money. My mom just informed me that she'd messaged everyone that I'd canceled the dinner. She instead wants to use my money to buy my older brother a gun for his birthday, which is in two days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 361
You deserved it 2 211

mckenna9797 tells us more.

mckenna9797 15

Hey everyone, OP here. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. I called my friends and got it rescheduled for Saturday luckily, although one or two might not be able to. As for my mom, she had a joint account with me due to when I was 17, and I just haven't gotten to it to change it to just me when I turned 18 last year, because she usually never does this. My mom does seem to like my brother more than me which is a little messed up but she usually respects me and treats me very well. She's a nice person and decent parent, but a little weird sometimes. She didn't have any money to spend on his birthday due to just paying rent for the month with her paycheck. She did however have no right to use my money or cancel my plans. That was uncalled for and definitely not right. As for the gun itself as a present to my brother, he's turning 23 and just got back from a year deployment to Germany. She wanted to do something special for him and he really wanted a mosin nagant rifle for a couple years now. I would have bought it for him honestly if. she asked because I get paid tomorrow. I hope that answers all your questions!

Top comments

Excuse me but WHAT? That is insane and hide your money. Some mothers are just crazy and very bad at that parenting thing.

Do what you want with your own money. Even though your mom cancelled your big dinner, you can still reschedule. And as for her, tell her she can buy the gun with her own money!



Wow, thats so messed up!! Call your friends leave your mother.

Stand up to your mom and reschedule the dinner, along with informing her she isn't allowed to dispose of your money. Try not to be rude, but stand your ground.

Take ur money & spend it how you want! That's not hers to use for something she chooses.... That's messed up!

If your mother wants to buy your brother a gun, have her do it with her own money. The nerve of some people.

monyluv1 13

This is the truest WTF I think I've come across yet. OP, if it were allowed on here, I'd like to send you a birthday card!

Sounds like my mom. Just keep your money to yourself.

Goblin182 26

Oh hoot Mom. I mean, oh shoot, Mom.

Literally all the red flags go up for this one. Mom doesn't give a **** about you in any way, shape, or form.