By misswhiskers - 28/02/2011 11:21 - Australia

Today, it's my birthday. I woke up to a text message from my boyfriend, breaking up with me. When I commented on his impeccably bad timing, he admitted he'd forgotten it was my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 089
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take it as a blessing in disguise then. The fact he didn't even remember your birthday and broke up with you via text should tell you what a douche he is. Go out, enjoy your birthday and move on. Happy birthday


Awww that sucks :/ happy birthday though!!


rockyraccoon28 8

hey. my birthday is also today. happy birthday, OP. find a boyfriend that can at least remember your birthday.

You got broken up with... over a text message... on your birthday. That's like a triple whammy.

RenaBena7 0

Now go have a kickasss time on your birthday.! Find a guy that you deserve :) Forget the loser who didn't remember.!!

wow u shouldnt be tht sad he sounds like a great boyfriend! -.-

bob90079 0

you're better off. one day you'll see that it's the best gift such a douche could give. spend the day with friends. :)

DisappearingRose 18

That's what Facebook is for.

don't you hate bein dumped on Ur BDAY? my ex gf dumped me on mine after she lied to me and I called her out on it

Oh deal with it. I dumped a chick on Valentines day. In my defense she woke me up to say happy valentines but before she could say it I had already done it. The point is the same I forgot it was valentines day. trust me he feels bad... But give him about a month and he will laugh with his mates about it. Happy Birthday! =]