By reallyman__639 - 13/12/2011 12:26 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend took me to dinner and near the end, he pulled out a long, rectangular box. Thinking it was a necklace, I got very excited. It was a wand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 560
You deserved it 17 504

Same thing different taste


mirandom24 10

In my opinion, for a birthday gift, wand > necklace.

thischickrocks 0

Your boyfriend sounds like the best! :) (In my perspective anyway...)

harryfan6784 0

Atleast he didn't give you a horocrux, I mean seriously you could have been cursed or worse expelled N8-)

thats amazing, wands are so much cooler anyways xD

MeMareeh 0

OP, I'll trade your wand for the flu and 4 days in bed sick as hell that I got for my birthday. If that doesn't entice you we can trade for the can opener I got for a previous birthday. : )

you deserve it because everyone deserves a wand on their birthday!