By happybirthday - 26/09/2011 17:06 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my birthday. My girlfriend gave me a Paul Frank t-shirt. It says "I'm single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 624
You deserved it 2 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have told her you can't wear it cus your other girl friend will get mad, lol


perdix 29

Your thank- you card should read: "I ate your smelly, unclean pussy without puking and all I got was a lousy T-shirt ... and a lingual yeast infection."

TheLastChild 8

Perdix, you are becoming my favorite Commenter!

perdix 29

Aw, Kicky, I'm sorry to offend your sensibilities. For being such a brave soldier, she should have give him at least a hoodie ;)

She's right, you're single! Enjoy your freedom, as well as your birthday, and forget that loser :)

niralz16 0

Probably her way of breaking up with least it's not harsh:D

evybeth 0
iparker97 0

Get her the red Mario mushroom one that says "Grow Up"

That's pretty childish unless you were a complete ass of a boyfriend. Either way though still immature