By happybirthday - 26/09/2011 17:06 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my birthday. My girlfriend gave me a Paul Frank t-shirt. It says "I'm single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 624
You deserved it 2 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have told her you can't wear it cus your other girl friend will get mad, lol


Playful1985 9

Yikes, you look like my exhusband!

Joshoa123 16

That's a nice way to do it. On the brightside you got a free shirt advertising you to tha ladiessss!

Ouch. People are so immature when it comes to breakups.

Buy her a shirt saying, "See back." On back it says "I cheated on someone while you were looking."

I don't see the problem here. She didn't officially break up with you. She basically just gave you a free hall pass!

ikickgingers 15
perdix 29

You mean you're not a believer?!?!

That's such a childish way to break up with someone...and on your birthday of all days...well now you're free of someone like that...and you have a new t-shirt!