By Drew - 30/11/2014 03:20 - United States - Harrodsburg

Today, it's my birthday. My grandma posted about it on her Facebook wall, but people got confused and thought it was her birthday instead. She got twice as many birthday wishes as I did, and that's including the ones I got outside of Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 705
You deserved it 3 017

Same thing different taste

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#2, it's your birthday too? Well then can you tell your grandmother happy birthday for me? Thanks.


stacey2570 21

I know how you feel, yesterday was also my birthday and I probably got 3 wishes in total. Plus most of my family forgot about it.

Copy and paste the wishes on her page...then you will have quite a bit (:

Happy birthday OP. You should be proud of your grandma. She has many people looking out for her at this age.

It's okay, OP, she's had a lifetime to make friends, you'll make as many as you want. Open up your heart and they'll come into your life :) Happy birthday!

I feel ya OP. My birthday is april 1st. I haven't gotten a birthday wish from anyone but my parents and siblings on my actual birthday in 20 years. I'm thinking about lying to people about it from now on and just say I'm born on march 31st.