By Drew - 30/11/2014 03:20 - United States - Harrodsburg

Today, it's my birthday. My grandma posted about it on her Facebook wall, but people got confused and thought it was her birthday instead. She got twice as many birthday wishes as I did, and that's including the ones I got outside of Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 705
You deserved it 3 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2, it's your birthday too? Well then can you tell your grandmother happy birthday for me? Thanks.


Grandmas are usually sweeter than normal people so it makes sense that more people like her

you are saying grandmothers are not normal people

XBurytheCastleX 25

Happy birthday! Is it equal yet?

Sucks to be you lol. Happy birthday though.

She's old so she's had a lifetime to meet friends.

Who cares??? You don't need online friends wishing you happy birthday .. Does it matter if your grandma knows more people than you do? She's been alive longer

hey its my birthday as well! happy birthday!

Your mom and dad got laid! Congratulations! But seriously, you're defining your happiness by birthday wishes on Facebook? Hell, letting Facebook define your happiness at all? Quit chur crying and throw yourself a party! Who cares if it's a belated one? Invite everybody!

Swandive235 27

My birthday too! happy birthday!