By NosChersVoisins - 01/07/2014 04:55 - France - Bordeaux
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Yeah awful neighbors. Hopefully it was a joke? (A really sick one for sure) I hope OP has a good birthday:)
To hang the piñata, silly.
or to create some super innovative flying rocking chair? just relax!
39, I doubt OP is seriously considering suicide...
39- you stole the "suicide is a permeant solution to a temp problem" from Conan. That's just pathetic
Happy Birthday OP! It's my brother's birthday today too! It could always be worse though. It's better than nothing. At least you know what NOT to use that for...
i honestly read this FML differently. i thought he meant stool, as in poop O.O this way makes more sense. i was wondering what poop and rope could do together.
I thought poop too when I first saw the word stool, until I read the rope part, haha.
@138 yeah I thought that too
My neighbors never gives us stuff man
Well, it would have been a shitty gift either way.
Thank god, I wasn't the only one.
hang in there, bum dum tsss
Who's conan?
No, Facebook remembered.
Well at least (s)he got a present! I'm pretty sure my neighbors don't even know my name
It's the thought that counts!
which is, you might want to add, a horrible thought.
41- my neighbors know my name... ;) trey songz anyone?
#2, exactly! the rope can be useful around the house! and the stool, too! I don't see the problem here :P
Now that is awfully suggestive...
Yeah, they didn't want their pet stool anymore!
Sadly, It took me longer. I thought they were just being thoughtless assholes.
Tell them you prefer knives and have been trying to find somebody to test them on and that you appreciate them volunteering as test subjects :)
I think the neighbors are the ones that need to do that.
Slow down there Jeff Woods.
well shit. maybe they gave a place to sit while you practice your knot tying skills.
You actually probably shouldn't. Haha.
Don't get too hung up on it, OP.
Yea, don't let them stool the joy of day from you.
I don't know why you got thumbed down... It was sort of a bad pun but it wasn't like "xD" or "Trololo" which is a lot worse.
Well perfect opportunity to make a rope swing out of it or maybe hoist up a massive **** YOU banner to your neighbours and their dick personalities.
Aw yeah! Cut the legs off the stool, drill a few holes... and just add rope. Instant gratification and payback.

Look on the bright side, at least now you can kill yourself for free!
Why would I care whether my death/suicide costs one dollar or a million dollars? I'm going to be dead afterwards!
#25 Maybe you don't care but the people who will have to bear the costs of your funeral (usually the relatives) probably do.
#32 I would think that the relatives would be more upset about the death than the funeral costs.
Hah next minute you get the same birthday present, that is so rude to say.
#80 Obviously, I was talking from a money point of view only. Of course you're more upset about losing someone than the costs, but at the end of the end of the days, a funeral does cost a lot. It adds a financial strain on top of everything. So I find that a bit callous to say "why should I care how much it's going to cost since I won't be there?" People should care about such things in order to spare their loved ones as much as possible in such tragic circumstances.
keep to the optimism.

Damn I'm sorry. Happy Birthday!!!
Hey, he remembered!! That's good!