By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 05:21 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was from myself: a positive pregnancy test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 692
You deserved it 91 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kids do the darndest things. is protection a dirty word or something now a days? just be lucky you did not get AIDS. might want to get tested for that also though.


DakotaCat 4

Don't worry Juno, there's always adoption..

twinny_sc 13

You can get an abortion for Christmas.

Only from yourself? Were you immaculately conceived????

Oniat 2

That's your own fault that you're pregnant. Have fun telling your parents, I'm sure they'd be proud to find out their child is with child.

abeyhl 0

An abortion is still murder. Just because it's so small doesn't make it any less of a child. Do you even know WHAT the process is to abort a baby? It's a sick and disgusting procedure that will bring tears to your eyes just thinking about how they do it. Abortion is awful, if someone isn't ready to be a parent then don't have sex, period. I'm a mother of two beautiful children. I wasn't prepared to have my first child which is why I used condoms and was on birth control. I was with her father for 4 years before we got pregnant. he is not in hers or my life because he couldn't handle it. I agree she shouldn't be having sex yet. I would be livid if my daughter told me she was pregnant at 16! OP, you have a very big responsibility now. Remember that ADOPTION is an option. Good luck.

totally agree, abortion should never happen.their are lots of families that would adopt a beautiful baby...

TooLittleTooLate 0

Guess what? There's a little thing called CONDOMS. They're quite good at helping to dodge situations like this. Also, there are convenient little pills that also help. For best results, combine :D

I love how everyone says adoption is an option, yet probably doesn't realize how AWFUL the adoption/foster system is in the United States. Kids get pushed through the system as a number if they're never adopted, often spending time with families that foster children simply for the government paycheck. I'm a teacher in a large city and the number of neglected students in my class due to the foster system is terrible. The "parents" don't care and admit that they have 12 children in their house simply to get the money. Granted, there are some success stories, but it's honestly an unfair and broken system that leaves so many children psychologically damaged for years.

RedJester23 6

Abortion is really just a "Get Out of Jail Free" Card. I think of it as you won't need the card if you don't get sent to jail. So don't have sex, you won't need an abortion. It's as simple as that.

happy birthday! keep your legs together! YDI for not considering the consequences before becoming sexually active.

Today, it's my eighteenth birthday. I laughed at how pathetic your life is. YDI